27-29 September 2023 – Leiden – Stadsgehoorzaal


27th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators, 2023

Selected hotels

In Leiden, you can choose from a variety of accommodations. We have selected four hotels which offer a quota of rooms at a fixed price for visitors of the STI 2023 conference.

Warning of scam emails from travellerpoint.org 

If you have received emails from the email domain travellerpoint.org, please be careful. They ask about your arrival and departure dates to Leiden in September, but this is a scam and does not originate from us or any other trustworthy travel agency. 

Please ignore the emails and do not reply or click on any link given by them. You can also block the domain in your email client.

Official emails regarding the STI 2023 conference are only sent from this domain: CWTS.leidenuniv.nl.